A windy collaboration

JNPcreative recently worked with a very innovative client who we think could quite possibly change the world of renewable energy as we know it. We were asked by Alpha-311 to visualise their idea in the form of 3D renderings, an illustration and an animated video allowing them to further build interest and awareness of their project.

So, what is the idea we hear you ask. The Alpha-311 VAWT (Vertical axis wind turbine) is an energy generating turbine that can be safely secured to street lamps to not only harvest natural wind, but also the wind generated from passing vehicles. For all you drivers out there, you would be able to contribute towards generating electricity in efforts for the UK to be carbon neutral by 2050 when driving past one of these turbines. The turbine itself is a world first due to it’s design and it’s ease of installation making it a cheaper yet more efficient way of producing energy.

The energy from these turbines (which roughly equates to the equivalent energy of 24 solar panels) then provides ongoing power for the street lights themselves. It also channels majority of the other electricity produced back to the power grid meaning cheaper electricity for those in the surrounding areas of the turbines’ location.

To bring the idea to life we used Blender, a 3D software to model and animate the turbine as well as the vehicles passing by. 3D modelling and animation is a great way to visualise a product and get an idea just that bit closer to a reality. If you are interested in bringing an idea of your own to life using 3D visualisation then get in touch with us, send a brief of what you would like produced and we can do the rest.

Since working with Alpha-311 their idea has gained a lot of traction and has recently received coverage from Kent Online Magazine, The Daily Mail and Interesting Engineering which is great news for our clients. It’s also great news for us too as our work is being used to draw attention to the project nationwide.